Christopher, tired at bedtime.. This will be a great blackmail picture.
Ruth was released from the Primary Presidency today after 2.5 years. She has done a great job and always tried to do her best. She has been called to serve as a primary worker in the nursery. When Sarah and Joe move away our Aaron and one other little boy will be the only children attending nursery.
When we got home we had a snack of popcorn, kettle corn, apples, crackers, cheese and summer sausage. I asked Christopher and Kaitlin what they learned about in their class (they are in the same class). Of course they couldn't remember. I asked if their teacher told them any stories and Kaitlin said "Yes". She couldn't remember what they were about except choosing the right. For some reason I admitted that even I choose the wrong sometimes. Kaitlin jumped on this and said with a chastising tone "like when you yell at your kids?!"
I was going to respond but let it go and just thought about that for awhile. Sometimes our children don't listen to us and we feel we have to raise our voices. This is definitely not the most effective method of teaching good behavior, in fact its the opposite. We may feel that we don't have time to isolate a disobedient child to have a quiet teaching moment. But the time we have isn't really for anything else but to teach with love. If I feel I have to yell, for something that isn't dangerous, then I am probably being lazy and selfish myself, which is the behavior I'm trying to correct.
I got to play the piano in Primary today. It is one of my favorite things to do in church. It's not my calling but I fill in at least once a month. Now that Ruth is going to be in the nursery I will be back in Priesthood and playing there.
I love music, in case you didn't know. It has a power that speaks to our spirits that I can't explain. But it has had a profound effect on my life. I love being able to be part of that influence for other people.
That picture is just adorable. Poor little tired boy.
Love your insights, Jason. It's so nice to hear others introspections that they are willing to hear. It helps remind us all what's important.
You and Ruth are great parents!
wow! you guys live in a teeny-tiny ward! our nuresery's are HUGE and sunbeams are outrageous---i think one Sunday (when Jr. was out of countrol) i counted at least 25 keep in mind that our primary and youth are combined with one other ward in the building. (our stake keeps small wards and has two wards per building so that the youth are all combined)
ah---sigh of relief, ruth? perhaps not now that you're in nursery---a bit quieter, i'm sure.
jason---soooooo did not remember that you played the piano---funny thing that memory of mine :)
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