Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ultrasound #2

Ruth: I had another ultrasound this last week. It's still a boy! For each ultrasound that we've had we were sent home with a disc containing pictures and video of the baby. It's so cool to be able to share this with you all! This one is of his cute little face and hand. The ultrasound is definitely my favorite part of being pregnant. My other favorite part is when The baby is finally out!!!


Rachel said...

So fun. Another boy. You just had to go and make things even, huh. I miss you. And have been thinking about you tons. Hope all is well, and I will try to call you this week.

Becky said...

I'm so glad they gave that to you! It was fun to see my next nephew already! Love ya!

Marie said...

I love all the kicks and squirms I get to enjoy while they are tumbling around inside of me. I miss it when they are out!