Saturday, October 10, 2009

Big Bird


Thanks to Donny for bringing this to my attention. Apparently it was first shown on the Tonight Show.

When I first heard that Barack was awarded the Nobel Peace prize I thought it was a joke. But it is actually quite fitting since the intent of the award is to celebrate those individuals who have labored towards reducing standing armies and propagating peace conferences. He is perfect. Of course, that isn't exactly what I want in a commander in chief.

But for those of you who are shocked I am in agreement with you since the nominations were required to be submitted by February 1, 2009, a whole 12 days after his inauguration. And since his life's work is so void of valuable accomplishment, those 12 days must have been amazing. Perhaps they could make a movie about it called "12 Days". It would rule the box office and provide everyone with a much needed nap, kind of like that other "days" movie, "13 Days".


Ben said...

I love that idea for a movie!

Mark said...

Although, he did do some important things in those 12 days, like sign an order to close Guantanamo. Just sayin' :)

jase said...

Thanks Mark for participating. His order to close Gitmo amounts to throwing a grenade at a tank.