Warning!!! It's a long one and I talk about eating a lot! But I've included pictures and a slideshow so I hope you won't be scared off!
I flew out to Utah for a bridal shower for one of my best buds from High school on March 19, a Thursday afternoon and arrived in Salt Lake around 7pm. After some problems with getting the rental car I had reserved (too embarrassing to share with the world) I was able to be rescued by my wonderful Aunt Donna and my sisters! Becky, Jacob and their family came up, and Mary and Liz are attending BYU. I was also able to get upgraded from an economy car to a 2010 Mazda 3! It was a sweet ride let me tell ya! The only problem it had was no power locks, which for a 6 1/2 month (at the time) prego was something to complain about! Its not fun having to climb in and reach over to unlock doors in this condition!
Anyways, I was grateful to have it and not be stranded in Utah bumming rides off of my friends and family! That first night we headed back to Donna's house and hung out for a while just visiting and getting caught up! I hadn't seen my Aunt Donna for a long time and it was great to visit and relax from the evenings events. I stayed at Jacob's aunt's house with Becky's family while I was there. She had an extra room for me and since Becky and I were gonna hang out most of the time it was nice to be in the same place.
Friday morning my good buddy Courtney (the whole reason I went and was able to go out in the first place) met us at Jacob's aunt's house and from there we went to a place in Provo for breakfast. We then headed out to Springville to visit with our other good buddy Krista, who just had a baby the end of January! We visited with her for a while and I was able to rock her sweet baby Mitchell to sleep. He was adorable and I was so glad I was able to meet him and see Krista!
After that visit, Becky and I went to a yummy Mexican restaurant, Cafe' Rio, maybe you've heard of it. I hadn't because I live in the middle of nowhere. Anyways, that night Liz, Mary and I hung out at Donna's eating a yummy dinner, thanks Donna! We played Singing Pop Star (I can't remember the name of it for sure, but we sang songs) and Dance Dance Revolution! Sorry no picture of that! You'll just have to imagine me with my big belly hopping around and trying to dance better than my sisters and my cousin Valorie. I think I did pretty good! I did beat Mary once I think.
Saturday was the day of the shower and Becky and I went shopping that morning for some useful bridal shower gifts (since my P.Chef order didn't come in time for the trip). We were able to find some cute things and we had a wonderful time at the shower! After the shower I went with Krista to the grocery store Smith's (what an awesome store! I wish we had one!) We got ice cream cones for 51 cents each and that day they were having Circus Days! They were selling hot dogs and cotton candy out front and if you know me, I never pass up a chance to get cotton candy! We had to wait a while for it, but it was fun to chat with Krista and other locals, who I'm sure were Mormon. I didn't even have to ask, the minute the lady in front of me told me she was #6 of 13 children I knew. So, after getting my cotton candy fix we headed back to get my car and Courtney. Krista had to get her milk and baby home. Courtney and I headed out to Payson to her mom's house. We visited with her family for a while reminiscing and having fun almost just like old times except no videos were made and we didn't dress up. Still fun though!
That night us sisters got together for our Girl's Night Out. We went out to Chili's where I made Mary leave her phone number for our waiter, some cute and friendly guy who they knew from BYU, and we had great food and tons of laughs. After we ate, we went to the mall and walked around a bit. We headed over to the creamery where we met up with Courtney one last time before my trip was over. We met her at the BYU Creamery where the line for the over-priced yummy ice cream was out the door after we had got ours. We shared some more laughs then took Mary and Liz grocery shopping. We also got us some breakfast for the next morning and then took Mary and Liz home. The next morning (Sunday) I headed out to the airport all by myself in the rental. While in line to pay for it, the guy behind me pointed out that Steven Colbert, from the Daily Shows "Colbert Report," was walking past us! I looked back and indeed it was him. Not that I watch the show, I've just heard of it and seen him on t.v. before, crazy! He saw the guy pointing and he smiled as he walked away. That was pretty cool.
Anyways, I returned home safely and Jason picked me up from the airport. It was sooooo good to be able to get away and focus just on my friends for a weekend! Especially since I hadn't seen them in such a long time! Thank-you Courtney for being such a wonderful friend! And thank-you to everyone that helped me in my little dramas while I was traveling alone! I don't know if I want to travel by myself again! I had so much fun! Thanks to everyone who took care of my kids while Jason worked at his Dad's that weekend too! I couldn't have done it without you either! And of course to my wonderful sweet husband who let me go play with my friends and sisters! I love you all!

Not the car I was driving, it was just like it this one, same color but without the sunroof. Nice car! I would never be able to fit my family in it but it was fun to drive! Zoom Zoom!

Ruth! I am so glad we got to do that! I laughed out loud at the pictures, that was great. I love how we always have good times when we're together. Love ya!!!!!!!!
What a fun trip!!
I love it when we moms can get away by ourselves for a few days, it's so wonderful.
Where in Payson does your friend's mom live?
We are in the neighborhood behind Mountain View Hospital, if you know where that is....
You guys should move HERE!
It was so great to see you Pal! We should do this more often.
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