First of all, I want to apologize to all my avid readers (if there are any of you out there!) for not posting for a while. :) I've actually written about ten blogs over the past few weeks but they get away from me every time I step out of the shower.
Excuses are as follows:1. Wife and motherly duties. Man, it's hard to keep up with five kids and a husband at home all the time! We started Aaron on solids about a month ago and he's finally got it down! That takes a lot of time too! His face doesn't look very dirty in this picture (click on the image) but Jason IS feeding him and he's loving it! I'm actually afraid that he might stop nursing just to eat more solid food!
2. Working hard with the help of the Lord as Primary President in our small Ward to keep everything working well and organized.

3. Getting small projects around the house done. Taking advantage of Jason being home, due to lack of work. Also because I can't go anywhere or spend any money.
A little over a year ago our neighbors down the street moved leaving a bunch of stuff on the side of the road for trash. Driving by the pile of "junk" I

noticed a Queen-size head board and foot board, something I have wanted since we got married almost nine years ago! It wasn't in the best shape and I thought for sure we could fix it up and make rails for it to fit our bed! We brought the boards home and they sat in Christopher's room until about two months ago. I put Jason to work at our house if he wasn't going to work anywhere else! He sanded the headboard and footboard a bit and bought wood and hardware for the rails. We painted them and he fastened it all together! So we finally have our bed done! check! Now if only we could get the lawn in and the fence up!

4. Last but definitely not the best reason for me not to blog, I have found a new way to waste time on the internet. Becky sent me and the girls a Webkinz pet (about a week ago?) and I have been playing games and trying to

earn Kinz cash to furnish the room of our Love Frog named Lovely Sally. For all of you who don't have a clue about anything I just wrote, I'll tell you. Webkinz are cute little stuffed animals that come with a code that lets you log onto a make-believe world on the internet where you can play games with other Webkinz and earn Kinz cash to buy things and food for your pet and their room. It fun to see the girls get excited to help out around the house so they can earn time playing with their virtual pet! Thanks a bunch Becky!!!
Here are the girls with Lovely Sally.
Wow Ruth, If I had known that the love frog would diminish your blog frequency, I might not have sent it! Just Kidding! I'm glad you guys are enjoying it so much. I got Joshua to relenquish one of his rooms to me, so now I can do whatever I want with my room and his pet. It's fun. I'm glad you love your love frog! Also, Good job on all your accoplishments. Your bed looks awesome, what a blessing! Good job Jason! We love and miss you guys!
Ruth, I just found a sweet website that you would appreciate! It's got tons of ideas for primary and other church stuff. It's
Check it out!
Sounds like you have been very busy! I hope all is well with you and working/jobs. Talk to you soon!
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