Last night I attended our Stake Women's Conference. It was such a wonderful night! Not only did I get away for a couple of hours with Sarah, but I learned so much! The program consisted of spiritual musical numbers, preformed by some very talented singers in our stake, along with some wonderful words of inspiration. Pondering the words of the music I realized a few things that I already knew but hadn't thought about enough until last night.
Things I learned:
1. I really do
LOVE the sisters in our ward! They are some of the sweetest people around and I am blessed to have them in my life! It feels like my children have 10 sweet grandmas that they get to see every week at church.
2. I also realized that I need to focus more on my children than on what my house looks like and the things that I want. I feel that I have been a little bit selfish with my time lately, trying to lose weight and keeping the house clean and laundry done just in case someone wants to walk through our house (on the market, for those who don't know). My children are very important to me and I want them to know I love them not just by the things I do
FOR them, but by the things that I do
WITH them.
3. I realized that Clear lake isn't such a bad place to live and I need to enjoy the time I have here and not dwell on the fact that I want to live closer to my own family. We are like family to some of the members here.
4. We are very blessed! Jason is finding work and the bills are getting paid somehow!
All in all I realized that I need to be happy with my life the way things are right now and just keep dreaming. So in my quest to become a better mother, wife and daughter of God I have added these goals to my list for this year:
1. Read the whole book of Mormon again.
2. Better support Jason in his responsibilities as YM President.
3. Write in my journal and blog more often.
4. PLAY with the kids more!
5. Take good care of myself.
6. Get Jason to take me rafting this summer!
(That's a fun one I just thought I'd throw in there!)
I hope I can be a better person and be a good example for the lovely children Heavenly Father has blessed our lives with!

Goofy kids! Aren't they great!?
Someday I'll get a good one of them all together! Ooh, there's another goal!