Thank-you Mom for all your help with Emily and Kaitlin's costumes! they wouldn't have turned out so good without your help! Love you Mom! -Ruth
Here are some pics of are Halloween. We had a trunk-or-treat party at the church on Tues. the 28th. The girls got to listen to a story. Then trick or treating to a few rooms in the church, including a balloon room, where they got to kick around in a room filled with... ...balloons. The young men had a scary walk-through room. Rachel was scared backwards out of the room. Emily laughed at all the scary people as she walked through. It was a great party. Ruth won the pie-eating contest, uh... I mean... the pie-baking contest, with an awesome apple pie (lots of Fuji apple and extra cinnamon and sugar on the crust). Sorry, no pictures of that event, but here are the kids:

Thursday night we drew faces on and carved pumpkins. Jason had a revelation halfway through after getting tired of using kitchen knives on the innocent cucurbits. The real tools came out and the face-shaping got a lot easier, even if it wasn't faster. A keyhole saw, jigsaw and some drill bits are better than any store-bought pumpkin kit.

Saturday night we had our own party with friends from church. The Chapmans and the Piers came over. We had homemade doughnuts, caramel corn, 1-2-3 popcorn, roasted pumpkin seeds, root beer, cider, and more. The kids watched a movie while the adults talked and played a great game of Cranium.