Who new summer vacation could be over so quickly!? We've tried to keep busy this summer, and I guess it worked because looking back now it seems like it just flew by! With birthdays, baptisms, potty training, swimming, gardening, visiting family, camping, the library reading program, story-time at the library, and just hanging out at home I'm tired. Nothing too adventurous, but we've had a great summer!
About a month ago my parents came a took the girls for a few fun nights at the
WorldMark Resort in Nice (about 30 min. away). They had a blast with G&G Christensen. They swam, played and did art projects. Let's just say that when
Grandma and
Grandpa dropped off the girls, they were worn out and ready to go home. We love you guys!
The week after that Jason's parents came for a visit. They stayed long enough to chat a while and treat us to dinner for Jason's birthday. We always enjoy having our family and friends over. Thanks for everything! We love you guys!
Our garden has done pretty good this year. We were able to enjoy most of the veggies we planted. And we look forward to harvesting our one remaining watermelon. Our sunflowers are blooming and they make me smile every time I get to look at them.
The girls have their first day of school today! They were so anxious and excited to find out who would be their teachers! And I'm glad to report that Rachel got one of the teachers she had wanted, Mrs.
Mostin. Emily of course knew that she would get Mrs. Sullivan (Rachel's teacher last year) and she did. They're off to a great start! I hope they are always this excited for school to start! I know it won't last but a mother can always hope! Kaitlin has to wait until next year to start kindergarten. She doesn't seem too disappointed.
Now that the girls are off at school most of the day, maybe I'll find time more often to keep our blog updated!

Rachel ready for third grade.

Emily ready for second grade.

In front of our sunflower fence ready to go to school!

Rachel's Giant sunflower she planted the end of second grade. That thing is close to ten feet tall! Unfortunately it slumped over. But it sure makes it easier for the girls to check the seeds. It actually grew two heads too. You can see the smaller of the two behind Rachel's head.

I just wanted to post this cute picture of Aaron! Can you tell that he loves to eat!? I have to bathe this kid twice a day sometimes! I love this little guy!