Last week the girls had their spring break and we headed to our families for a week of work, family-time and fun! After church on Easter Sunday we went to Grandma and Grandpa Mavy's for our monthly family get together. We didn't make it in time for the easter egg hunt for the kids, but we had one for them on Tuesday to make up for it. My Dad also shared his birthday with Easter this year so we got to eat birthday cake with some of my family on Monday evening.
Thanks to my sisters in-law and Carolyn (Jason's Mom), I got to go walking outside twice! I usually don't do any kind of exercise when we visit family unless we stay with my parents and I walk with my mom in the early morning. It was so nice to feel like I haven't fallen "off the wagon." Also, thanks to Sheila, Jason and I were able to attend an endowment session at the Sacramento Temple. I can't remember the last time we were able to do a session together. It was so wonderful!
The kids had so much fun spending time with Grandmas, Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles, and Great Grandma's. Not to mention Aunt Joy, Uncle Kent, cuz Tonja, and Adrianna. Jason got to play the piano with them one night. He had fun but said he wasn't good enough to keep up.
The Friday evening before Easter we were all outside playing. Christopher took a short dive in the dirt and cut his head open on a piece of gravel in our yard. It didn't bleed much. But it looked deep so Jason took him to the Emergency Room for stitches. The hospital is less than a mile away so it is a short drive. After waiting over four hours Jason had had enough. It was 9:15 pm, Christopher wanted to go home and was getting restless and cranky and tired. He kept saying he was ready to go home, so they went home. We cleaned Chris' head, cut the hair and shaved his head around the wound, and applied some butterfly bandages. As you can see he toughed out the treatment pretty well.

Here's a shot of his head 10 days later. Click on the picture to see a large image.

You can just make out the smile shaped cut in the formerly shaved patch of his head. On the plus side he has a positive attitude about getting haircuts now. We kept feeding him while treating his head to draw his attention from the electric clippers, which he doesn't like at all.